Sweet Home Alabama!

Well, it's ain't Alabama, but it's probably just as nasty.

But, God help me, it's good to be home.

DAMN good to be home.

Even if Home is in New Jersey.

The flight back wasn't as bad as the flight to Raleigh, however, we boarded the flight, we taxied to the runway, then we parked.

The pilot came on and announced that due to storm activity, we were going to sit on the runway and they expected an update around 8 PM. It was just 7 PM at this point.

There was quite a bit of groaning on the plane. Luckily, we got clearance to take off at 7:55.

The clouds over NJ were quite amazing. Just these towering puffballs with the jet skirting around them. A 20-something woman was sitting in front of me on this flight and she kept turning around to ask me "Did you see that?!"

So, at least we got a good show.

Touched down. I stood there and waited for my bag. I got it with no problems. I got the truck. No problems. I went home. No problems. I climbed into bed.

No problems.

It felt so damn GOOD to be HOME!

Had a nice long weekend. The office was closed on Monday and Tuesday in observance of Independance Day, AKA July 4 here in the US of A. Made a huge BBQ on Monday with spare ribs, italian sausage, grilled veggies. Lots of left overs.

The next day we warmed everything up, cooked some chicken, burgers, hotdogs and bratwurst. Lots of left overs from that night too.

Last night I finished off the ribs.

They were damn good. I actually did them in the oven, smothered in BBQ sauce. 350F for 3 hours.

They were so tender they just fell apart.

Some news on S.

As I mentioned before, she had a cold. She gave it to me. On Monday, she still had it and was coughing a lot, so, we went to see her Doctor. They told her she had an upper respiratory infection, gave her some antibiotics and an inhaler.

As we left the doctor's office, the first thing she did was light a cigarette.

Me: "Put that out!"
S.: "Why?"
Me: "You're fighting a lung infection! Put it out!"
S.: "Fine."

We went to the store to pick up her prescription. I dropped her off in front of the store, then called her Mom to fill her in on what was going on and told her about the cigarettes.

When we got home, Mom was out. We sat on the couch and I started making the BBQ stuff. I went to check on her in the living room and she wasn't there. I noticed through the front door that she was sitting outside. I poked my head out to make sure she was okay, when I noticed the puff of smoke.

Me: "What are you doing???"
S.: "I've been good."
Me: (taking her pack of cigarettes) "Put it out."
S.: "No. I haven't had one in a while." (Note: We've been home at most an hour.)
Me: "I said put it out!"
S.: "Take the pack. I'm not putting this on out."
Me: (taking the cigarette and breaking it in half in her hand) "Stop being stupid. You're fighting a lung infection and this is the last damn thing you need. You can go a day without smoking. I'll give them back to you on Wednesday."

The rest of the day was a battle of wills. I confiscated all her cigarettes I could find, while she sat on the couch and either ignored me or bitched about wanting a cigarette.

Her sister decided to quit smoking because of this, so, she bought a patch and got S. one too.

When Mom got home, she ratted me out, telling S. that I had called her and told her about me putting my foot down about the cigarettes.

S. was even more pissed at me at that point.

That evening after S. went to bed, Mom, K. and I sat upstairs and talked for a while about S., K. and quitting smoking.

The next morning I asked S. how she was doing. She told me she was actually doing fine without the cigarettes and hadn't actually had a craving for one. She was just pissed off the day before because I had taken them from her like she was a child.

I responded that if she was going to be stupid and jeopardize her health by being stupid like that, then she was acting childish and couldn't be trusted with them.

She put on the patch that morning and has been cigarette free for 3 days now.

She told me she still hasn't had a craving for a cigarette. I went to give her the cigarettes back on Wednesday morning like I promised to, and she told me to keep them.

I'm proud of her.