We're the Kids in America

The new truck is here! The new truck is here!

S. and I picked it up last night. It finally arrived on Saturday, a full 8 days after it was supposed to be there.

Oh, well. Can't win them all.

Took a couple of pictures of the new Toyota Tacoma, so, here you go!

Ain't she purty?

We're still deciding on a name. I prefer strong Germanic names, like Olga or Inga. Maybe this one will be a Bertha. Not really Germanic, but it's got the conotation of a big woman able to beat the crap out of you. S isn't so sure on my criteria of naming.

We'll see what happens.

On Saturday we went to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels on Broadway. Quite a funny production. A few modifications from the movie, which I liked. Andre, the police chief, has a much bigger role now, with his own scenes. The actor in his role was quite good. A lot of camp in the show too, which is always fun.

The understudies for the parts of Freddy Benson and Christine Colgate were at the show we went to. The actress playing Christine Colgate was a little rusty, but she wasn't bad. The actor playing Freddy Benson stole the show, though. There is a scene where he's writhing on the floor trying to bite off a piece of jerky that had the audience in tears laughing so hard.

S. and I are going to start going into the city to see a show at least twice a year now.

Additionally, I've got a New Jersey driver's license now and the car is registered to NJ too. When I went to get the car inspected, a older black guy came up to the car and said "I've gotta meet the man who's got my name." Turns out we've got the same first and last name! I shook his hand and shot the shit with him for a couple minutes while I sat in my car waiting in line.

After we got done, S. told me "You're a Jersey Boy now!"

My response? "Yep. I'm a pube in the armpit of America."


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